iVesta Family Office is a société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint stock company) with capital of €66,738, whose registered office is located at 12, place Vendôme 75001 Paris, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 821 786 332.

French classification of activities (NAF)/Principal activity (APE) Code: 7022Z

Under regulations designed to protect investors, independent investment advisors and insurance intermediaries are obliged to provide their clients with an introductory document in accordance with articles 325-5 of the General regulation of the AMF, R520-1 of the French Insurance Code and R519-20 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, before any contracts are drawn up.


iVesta Family Office is registered on the single register of Insurance, Banking and Finance Intermediaries ( under no. 16005271 as a:

  • Independent investment advisor (CIF), member of the Association Nationale des Conseils Financiers-CIF (ANACOFI-CIF), an association approved by the Autorité des marchés financiers (17 Place de la Bourse 75082 Paris cedex 02,,
  • Insurance or reinsurance broker (COA), providing level 1 consulting (checking the consistency and appropriateness of the recommended contract in relation to client requirements and needs), classified in category “B”, activity under the supervision of the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR), 4, Place de Budapest CS 92459 75436 Paris Cedex 09 – (see article L. 612-2, II, 1° of the French Monetary and Financial Code).
  • Banking transactions and payment services broker (COBSP), not subject to a contractual obligation to work exclusively with one or more suppliers, supervised by the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR), 4, Place de Budapest CS 92459 75436 Paris Cedex 09- (see article L. 612-2, II, 3° of the French Monetary and Financial Code).

Direct marketing of banking and financial services: None.

iVesta Family Office does not own more than 10%, nor is it more than 10% owned, directly or indirectly, by any insurance company.

iVesta Family Office holds a professional licence for property and business transactions (CPI 7501 2020 000 044 481) issued by the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Insurance and Financial Guarantee: ZURICH INSURANCE PLC, 112 avenue de Wagram, 75017 Paris.

iVesta FO Belgium has been registered under number 53373 as a broker in banking and investment services on the FSMA’s list of intermediaries in banking and investment services since 15 December 2020, and as an insurance broker on the FSMA’s list of insurance intermediaries since 10 August 2021.

Remuneration, commissions and non-monetary benefits

iVesta Family Office is remunerated solely in the form of fees, with an engagement letter setting out the terms and conditions for the provision of these services and the amount of the fees.

iVesta Family Office does not receive any funds, financial instruments or securities except as remuneration for its services.

Policy on managing conflicts of interest

iVesta Family Office has formalised a policy for managing conflicts of interest and has put in place specific organisational (resources and procedures) and control measures in order to prevent, identify and manage situations of conflict of interest that could harm the interests of its clients.

Information on complaint management

If you have a complaint, please write to the following address: iVesta Family Office, Service Juridique, 12 place Vendôme, 75001 PARIS.

iVesta Family Office undertakes to acknowledge receipt of your complaint within ten days and to provide you with a response within a maximum of two months from the date you sent your complaint.

At the end of this period, or if you are not satisfied with iVesta Family Office’s response, you can refer the matter to

– the AMF Ombudsman, Marielle Cohen-Branche, for all complaints relating to Independent investment advisor services (17, place de la Bourse 75082 Paris cedex 02,, 

– the Médiation de l’assurance (Insurance Ombudsman), for all complaints concerning insurance broker services (TSA 50110 – 75441 Paris cedex 09,

– the Médiation de la consommation (Consumer Ombudsman), for all complaints relating to banking intermediary services, payment services and real estate transaction card (carte T) (ANM Conso, 62 Rue Tiquetonne 75002 PARIS,

– the ANACOFI Ombudsman (92, rue d’Amsterdam, 75009 Paris,

Supervisory authorities

For financial investment advisory services: AMF – L’Autorité des Marchés Financiers – 17 place de la Bourse 75082 Paris Cedex 02

For insurance intermediaries and banking and payment service intermediaries: ACPR – Autorité de contrôle et de Résolution – 4 place de Budapest CS 92459 75436 Paris cedex 09

For commercial property transactions: the Directorate General for Competition Policy, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control (DGCCRF)

Confidentiality clause

In the performance of its activities, iVesta Family Office will not, without your express consent, communicate or use any information concerning its clients outside the scope of its assignment. This provision may not be invoked against ANACOFI or the supervisory authorities as part of their supervisory duties.

Personal data protection

As part of our relationship, you may be required to provide iVesta Family Office with personal data. As a result, iVesta Family Office processes personal data about you. If you communicate personal data of third parties (your spouse, your child, etc.) to iVesta Family Office, you undertake to have obtained their consent and to have informed them of the present information.

iVesta Family Office processes personal data in its capacity as data controller in the context of its Wealth Management Advisory activities, within the meaning of the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

These data may be processed for the purposes of concluding, managing and performing contracts, as this is required to perform a contract to which you are a party or to perform pre-contractual measures taken at your request. These data may be processed for the purposes of complying with iVesta Family Office’s regulatory obligations, it being understood that these obligations may vary depending on your situation (including, but not limited to, obligations relating to the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism, compliance with the provisions of the French Monetary and Financial Code, compliance with the positions of the Autorité des marchés financiers, compliance with the provisions of the French Insurance Code, etc.).

These data will be stored for 5 years after the end of your contractual relationship with iVesta Family Office. If you have not entered into a contract with iVesta Family Office, your data may be kept for up to 3 years after the last time you contacted iVesta Family Office. In certain exceptional situations, your data may be stored for longer than these periods (non-exhaustive list: in the context of litigation, when ordinary and extraordinary remedies are no longer available against the judgment rendered; in the context of real estate activities, 10 years in the register of mandates; for the purposes of compliance with certain legal obligations incumbent on iVesta Family Office; at the request of a legal authority, etc.).

These data may be transmitted to iVesta Family Office entities, to its commercial partners (insurers, management companies, banking establishments and any intermediaries) and to its service providers (SaaS software publishers, hosts, archivers, etc.) acting on its strict instructions.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the French data protection authority (CNIL), to define directives concerning the conservation, deletion and communication of your data after your death as well as a right of access and the rights to rectification, erasure, restrict processing, data portability and object on legitimate grounds in relation to your personal data. To exercise any of these rights, please e-mail your request to Ariane Darmon ( or post it to: iVesta Family Office, 12 place Vendôme, 75001 PARIS.

Use of e-mail

iVesta Family Office may communicate by e-mail with clients or any other person they have authorised. In such cases, clients expressly accept the inherent risks of such communication (including the risks of interception, alteration or unauthorised access to such messages, as well as the risks of viruses or other malicious intrusions).

Intellectual property

iVesta Family Office may communicate by e-mail with clients or any other person they have authorised. In such cases, clients expressly accept the inherent risks of such communication (including the risks of interception, alteration or unauthorised access to such messages, as well as the risks of viruses or other malicious intrusions).

Cookie management

iVesta Family Office automatically collects information about you with cookies that track your browsing on the Website.

Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers transferred to your computer’s hard drive via its web browser. They enable iVesta Family Office to recognise your browser and offer you more innovative and attractive functions. You can, however, configure your computer so that it blocks cookies.

Computer file management

The information collected is processed electronically for contact purposes. The recipients of the data are iVesta Family Office advisors. In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, as amended in 2004, you have the right to access and rectify information concerning you, which you may exercise by contacting your advisor. You may also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning you.

Operation and use of the Website

iVesta Family Office is bound only by an obligation of means as regards the operation and continuity of the Website and may not under any circumstances be held liable for:

– des vitesses d’accès au Site notamment depuis d’autres sites Internet, des vitesses d’ouverture et de consultation des pages du Site, de ralentissements externes,

  • access speeds to the Website, particularly from other websites, opening and query speeds of Website pages, and external slowdowns, suspension or inaccessibility of the Website, fraudulent use by third parties of any information made available on the Website, events due to force majeure as defined by case law and in particular the following cases: breakdowns and technical problems concerning hardware, programs, software and the Internet network, which may lead to the suspension or termination of the service, if the service offered by the Website proves to be incompatible or malfunctions with certain software, configurations, operating systems, browsers and equipment that you use.


You are solely responsible for your use of the service and the Website and shall not hold iVesta Family Office liable for any claims and/or proceedings brought against it.

iVesta Family Office reserves the right, without notice or compensation, to discontinue any or all of the services it offers on the Website temporarily or permanently.

The information published on our Website does not constitute an investment recommendation or financial advice, as each Internet user accessing our Website has specific needs at the time they visit it.

External links

The Website may contain hypertext links to other websites.

iVesta Family Office makes no representations whatsoever about any other website which you may access through the Website and is in no way responsible for the content, operation or access to such websites.

Illegal content and public decency

Any action on your part which is intended to restrict or prevent another person from using or enjoying the Website is strictly prohibited.

iVesta Family Office reminds you that you may only use the Website for legal purposes and that you are prohibited from publishing or transmitting through the Website any illicit, prejudicial, defamatory, pornographic, hateful, racist or otherwise offensive material. In the event that iVesta Family Office is informed of the presence of illicit content on the Website, it has the right to immediately remove the content. iVesta Family Office reserves the right to take all necessary measures to enforce its rights.

iVesta Family Office is entitled to carry out electronic monitoring of the documents posted and the public areas of the Website to ensure they comply with the requirements set out above.

Intellectual property rights

Any downloading, deterioration, reproduction, copying, modification or commercial use, in whole or in part, of the various elements of the Website, without the prior authorisation of iVesta Family Office, is prohibited and exposes its author(s) to legal action.

Applicable law

These provisions are governed by French law.

iVesta FO Belgium

iVesta FO Belgium, a subsidiary of iVesta Family Office, is a société à responsabilité limitée (limited liability company) with capital of €18,550, whose registered office is located in Brussels (1050), Avenue Louise 54, registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number 0677.530.350.

iVesta FO Belgium has been registered under number 53373 as a broker in banking and investment services on the FSMA’s list of intermediaries in banking and investment services since 15 December 2020, and as an insurance broker on the FSMA’s list of insurance intermediaries since 10 August 2021.

iVesta FO Belgium is a member of Ombudsfin asbl and the Ombudsman des assurances (Insurance Ombudsman):

Ombudsfin asbl – North Gate II, Boulevard du Roi Albert II 8, bte 2 – B-1000 Brussels – E-mail: – Ombudsman des assurances, Square de Meeûs 35, 1000 Brussels – E-mail: –