iVesta provides wealth management services by taking a holistic and methodological approach, constantly anticipating rather than reacting, to unsure you are completely unburdened.

We closely monitor all your assets by playing the role of your own personal board of directors and by acting as your sparring partner to help you make the right decisions while protecting your freedom of thought on every step of your journey.


We use our detailed, in-depth knowledge of your situation to design and implement the strategies that are best suited to your needs and the structure of your portfolio, whether they include financial investments or property management needs, family protection or anything further, while coordinating legal, fiscal and civil requirements locally and abroad.


We implement, diversify, and manage your investment strategies, covering all classes of listed and unlisted assets. We are always on the lookout for the most selective and relevant opportunities so we can keep on building resilient portfolios that will adapt to the changing market, risk profiles and varying liquidity. Our role is to create lasting value while keeping your assets sustainable and respecting your needs.


We coordinate with all your partners and advisors as a single point of contact, attending to most of your wealth management administration needs. We use monitoring and reporting tools to consistently provide a consolidated overview of your assets, giving you the freedom to manage your wealth just as you manage your business.